
Japan Style

Japan Style—昨日・今日・そして明日


私は国際的な文脈のなかでデザインを考え、それが無意識のうちに、日本的なアプロ一チをとる時、〈Japan Style〉の名に値するものが生れてくると信じたい。しかし、そのためには、私たちはまだ当分の間、あるデザインを採り、他のデザインを拒否するという、気の長い歴史を繰り返していかねばならないと思う。-以下略-

勝見勝〈Japan Style〉カタログより講談社インタ一ナショナル 1980年刊

Japan Style Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

We Japanese tend to be too self-conscious about Japan, and as a result when we send material to be displayed at international exhibitions we continue ad nauseam to choose objects executed in traditional Japanese techniques, which can easily be recognized as "Japanese' in style. If you ask me, this is essentially an expression of the same attitude as is manifested in the calculated exoticism of souvenir-shop "Japonica.' We are still searching for a "Japanese modern style"; although this style is still incomplete and imperfect in many ways, it is my sincere wish that our friends in the international community will acknowledge the validity of our efforts.

I should like to believe that when we conceive a design in an international context but unconsciously adopt a Japanese approach, the result is something worthy of the description "Japan Style." For the time being, however, we have no choice but to go through an arduous and repetitious process of selection and rejection in our pursuit of this goal. All the same, I should like to conclude by saying how very grateful we are to our British friends for their kindness in giving us a valuable opportunity to indulge in this rigorous self-analysis.

Katzumie Masaru, Excerpts from "Japan Style" catalog, published by Kodansha International Ltd. 1980.



Design has to come close to wild range of citizen, and growth together. Of course, the experimental design is also importance for the design world at the same time. But design is not the art of citizen’s life. Japanese designer has to equipt the Japanese tradition and close to Japanese people’s life. To love Japanese life is the beginning for designer.