Tomas Bagackas

Paris, Oslo, Vilnius

AD    王小楓    Wang Xiaofeng
C       Tomas Bagackas

Tomas Bagackas is the fashion brand for Atelier Couture and Theatre Costume based in Paris. We have served Tomas Bagackas for its transnational propaganda through Paris, Oslo and Vilnius since 2007. The logo we designed for them was absolutely an icon. We used the abbreviate letters 't' & 'b' to instead of Tomas Bagackas, and combined them to be the symbol of a scissor. Bodoni typeface applied as logo type was excessively elegant and luxury. This logo was able to express the high-quality and hand-cut spirit of the production. During the years of corporation, we have helped Tomas Bagackas to finish many design projects, include visual identity systems, yearly advertising brochures, new collection brochures, fashion shows and a documentary film, etc.
